Saturday 14 May 2011

Due to failed apieoctomy, I need tooth extraction.?

Due to failed apieoctomy, I need tooth extraction.?

My central, large tooth failed an apiectomy. After 1 year, its still baggy and Dc. says its a stoppage. An establish is too much for me. I am considering pulling it and having a 3 unit join constructed.
I am very concerned at the time of extraction,,,,will some type of temp be made or emotionally involved? I can’t have a huge hole in the front of my face for months. Please help. What do they do in such situations?

Answer by avavu
They can make a partial denture for you.It’s just that tooth that has hoocks on the back.The hoocks go around the additional teet from the back.That’s the way the tooth holds on.It can look reallt excellent,no one can tell.

Answer by docgobbler
The simplest and cheapest business to do is to have an immediate flipper partial made. This can be inserted at the surgery apt. and you will wear it while everything heals. Honestly, unless the teeth on any side of the extracted tooth are in poor condition and need caps anyways, you are better off with the establish and crown. The cost is about the same as a 3 unit join, is simpler to clean, and doesn’t hurt the teeth on any side. The flipper will hold you until you are able to afford something though. Excellent luck!

Answer by Dr Matt W (Australia)
1. Dentist takes polyvinyl mould of your teeth with all teeth in place.
2. Dentist grinds back the supporting teeth (abutments) for eventual join. i.e. the teeth adjacent to failed tooth.
3. Terrible tooth extracted.
4. Mould filled with temp crown material and placed over ground back teeth and socket.
5. Temp join removed and trimmed up.
6. Temp join cemented onto abutments.
7. Wait minimum 10 weeks to allow socket to heal.
8. Remove temp join, exchange abutments and take final mould to send to lab. Make new temp join.
9. Join comes back from lab. Take off temp join, reinforce in stable join.
Simpler practice than flipper denture. I like to use a ZnPO4 reinforce for the long term temp join because it flakes away cleanly.

Answer by absent farmer
We would take an impreesion of your teeth before the extraction and then make any a temporary join for your teeth or a flipper(retainer with a tooth on it)- we never place a person without a front tooth unless they beg us to.!!!:)

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cost of dental establish

i am having two wisdom teeth removed (on the top) on november 21 and having a dental establish placed on the bottom. the surgeon said the establish will not hurt much, i’m just having it done at once so we only have to pay for the anesthesia once and have the pain all at once. the wisdom teeth aren’t huge, the roots just started to develop but the only business he said is that they are high which is what might cause the most pain. what is anesthesia like? it’s not fully going to sleep, more like the twilight i reckon he said. i’ve never had any kind of surgery before so i was just wondering. and what is the best business to do to speed up healing after surgery. any personal experience or help from dentists/assistants would be appreciated! thanks!

Answer by divegirrl
I had the “twilight” business but I was dead asleep. There was no pain, not even afterwards! Use ice on your cheeks to reduce the swelling.

Answer by Erin S
I had my wisdom teeth out last Thursday and was under general anesthesia. I was so nervous going in, but so pleased I got it done. The nurse talked me through the procedure and aftercare while getting me ready. She hooked me up to the IV and then all I remember is the mask going over my face and falling asleep quickly. I woke up and didn’t even reckon anything had happened yet and they were done! Just make sure you buy lots of your soft food former to your surgery so you are stocked at home. I iced my face on and off for 20 minutes with bags of frozen peas and that helped mold to my face. Also see if you can get your prescriptions called in to your pharmacy that morning so you can pick them up before your surgery so you can just go home and rest. Excellent luck!

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