Friday 27 May 2011



So I’m 26 and I recently went to the dentist and had two root canals done. My dentist clarified to me that in a process of a root canal surgery they remove the nerve and along with it they also remove any blood vessels with in the tooth. The tooth becomes delicate OVERTIME because there are no blood vessels. So he suggested that I get dental impants NOW. I told him that right now I’m tight on money and I have no dental insurance. He suggested that my parents may maybe help pay for it. I said my dad is about to get laid off and my parents are already helping me pay for medical school. I questioned my dentist to permanently fill the tooth and I’ll get an establish down the road when I do have dental insurance. He still argues with me and says that I should get an establish. He’s not life very understanding. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Answer by RaeRae
Find a new dentist

Answer by I question, you answer
he is just looking for money…
i agree with RaeRae…GET A SECOND OPINION

Answer by frdrtd
First of all, you do not need implants after root canals, you need crowns. Implants are for missing teeth.

Your dentist is right though. Once a root canal is done on a tooth, you need a crown as soon as possible or the root canal will fail, the tooth will become delicate, and will be lost. See if you can set up some type of payment plot. And if you don’t like your dentist, find another one. If he is telling you that you need implants after a root canal, beyond doubt find a new dentist.

Excellent Luck

P.S……just to clarify: implants, if done properly, and taken care of by the patient, can last the rest of your life.

Answer by hay
The older you are the better, implants are only excellent for 20 year I reckon. From the sound of your dentist I’m wondering if you really needed a root canal done. If I were you I’d look around for a new dentist or at least a second opinion

Answer by tj
Don’t let the dentist bully you.
You have to do what you have to do.
But, that said, you do have to make an informed choice. The teeth will get more delicate over time. That will place them more prone to breaking and chipping. If they happen to crack along the length of the root, you’ll baggy the tooth. Then you’ll be looking at an even more expensive option of bridgework or implants to replace the tooth.
Right now, the plot is to place a post down into the root chamber, then crown the tooth. That is considered a stable solution. But it is expensive.
But, you are in school.
You do have options. Does your school have a dental school? Most dental schools offer this kind of treatment for a lot less cost if you’re willing to spend the time to have it done.
But as I said. There is selling a treatment plot, and then there is bullying. It sounds like your dentist is trying to bully you.
You have to choose for yourself what to do.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
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bone graft dental establish

I just made an appointment with my dentist to get a dental establish consultation.I have a question that I forgot to question the nurse about and since the dentist is closed for the next two days,I thought I’d question here.

I was told that the first step in the process of getting a dental establish is to have a mold made of my mouth and have x-rays taken and the crowns will be made based on them.But my teeth are REALLY messed up,like bent with dents and chips,so I’m wondering,will my crowns have the same dents and chips,or will the dentist fix these during the process of making them?
Sorry,I thought the tooth part was called a crown,I’m getting an establish.
And what I mean to question is,I want the new implants to be perfect teeth,will the dentist fix the implants to look perfect,or will they be exact replications of the teeth that are life removed,dents and all?

Answer by Nat R < Mikey to WIN>
you need to clarify whether you’re getting crowns or implants…they’re different.

Answer by hullabaloooooo
you will only get what you pay for, they wont fix your additional teeth unless you question them too. and no I don’t reckon that they will make the crown or establish chipped like the rest they will make it to match the shade of your teeth and try to get it as welly en suite as they can.

Answer by Skeeter
You are assess. The tooth that goes over the establish is called a crown. The tooth will be gorgeous and will look fantastic.They will not have dents or chips unless you request them. I have dental implants and you are free to write to me and question me personally any questions. I have dental implants and even though I am not a dentist I have some fantastic resources and a very excellent friend who is a professor at a Pennsylvania University whose specialty is replacement teeth. She has taught me so much.

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