Saturday 14 May 2011

dental partial, bridge or implant?

dental partial, bridge or implant?

My dentist gave me 2 options, a join or an establish. He gave me no preference. He said it is not a terrible choice. I need advice to do on, or whether there are additional possibilities. This is the first tooth and hopefully the last I lose teeth at 38 years of life … Please help. Or what about a removable partial? any thoughts ?????

answer LoJac963 you mentioned
establish in your title, I would beyond doubt go this route. Small more painful, and you have to repeat again a few apointment but much better for the long term.

Answer by eva r I agree with
lojak an implant is so much more ~ ​​less of a problem in the long run In your lifetime you would have to replace the bridge several times and that can be cause wear on the teeth on each side of the bridge and more time ~ ~ sooooo money, etc.> lucky

response of
Go to the establish. It is more expensive and painful, but in the long run …… Over the years it’s breaking billiger.Brücken really break partials and all must be repaired and replaced from time to Zeit.Bis you really do with something additional than an establish, you have had no thought how time consuming and not fun, it is . When you lose several teeth, then you can worry about something else.

answer by Dr. Albert, DDS (UNITED STATES)
DM, the establish is the best choice because any hurt done to adjacent teeth as in join. The longevity is stable, disparate the join that takes 15-20 years and must be replaced werden.Dies insurance is not for the establish to bezahlen.Abnehmbare is an option, but held the daily care for some of them wird.INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH AND YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT

Add your own answer in the comments!
Read more:
dental bone graft dental establish

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