Saturday 5 March 2011

Q&A: Alternative to tooth implant?

Q&A: Alternative to tooth implant?

My front tooth had root canal and have a post and crown. Then I bite on a hard object, which cracked my root. Now my dentist said the only way to fix is implant. it costs around 5000 dollars. Is there any alternative way to do this? Thanks
Is there way to fix the cracked root and glue back my old crown?

Answer by Dave F
No there is no way to fix the broken root and recement the crown. The fractured root needs to be removed since the crack will give bacteria a space to grow and you will develop an infection or abscess.
Alternatives to the implant are 1)Bridge or 2)Partial denture or 3)no tooth at all.

Answer by emmalue
You could have a partial denture placed, but it would not be permanent and would not look natural. An implant should last your entire life, so the cost of the implant could eventually work out to less than constantly replacing a partial denture.

If the root is really cracked, no amount of glue will fix it. The tooth is dead.

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Read the original post:
affordable dental implant

Do they happen to include headaches, pains near the frontal lobe, sore eyes, cronic headaches, chills?
This is a titanium tooth implant with some zirconium.
Also just to clarify these symptoms appeared the same day after my implants were done and the anesthetics wore off

Answer by grandpa walleye
None of these symptoms are usually seen after an implant is placed. Perhaps something else is going on.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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