Tuesday 29 March 2011

I had two teeth pulled? Dentist recommends an implant or my teeth will shift. How long can I wait?

I had two teeth pulled? Dentist recommends an implant or my teeth will shift. How long can I wait?

I had the back lower two molars pulled (teeth #18) My dentist recommended implants or my teeth may shift and eventually fall out.

I can’t afford them now ($ 5500) , but could save up for them in about a year and a half.

How long can you go without a tooth being present and still implant one?

Answer by Kayleigh
You can see if insurance will pay for it. Possibly you can do the most severe one now and then the other later so at least one gets in.

Answer by ratracer
Son I am no dentist but I had mine pulled 52 being ago with no ill effects. And my teeth are OK.

Answer by dotoflightindarkness
Don’t worry, it takes a long while for the teeth to shift, so you’ve got plenty of time to save up!

Answer by mrseahorse1
why are you asking us question your dentist

Answer by vkkesu
Delight talk to your dentist. Be honest with him about not affording it. He should be able to tell you …..he knows your mouth better than anyone here does.

Question him if it will do permanent hurt to wait, or to not get them at all. If you don’t trust him, find another dentist to question.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
The rest is here:
bone graft for dental implant

I have a baby tooth which is infected and it needs to be extracted. I want to get implants after that. but the thing is the implants are not covered by my insurance as they will replace a baby tooth. So i will have to get the implants in India. I am going to India in Jan-Feb time frame. So can i get the tooth extracted in India itself and get the implants there straight away. I will be in India for 2 months. So do you reckon i should get the tooth extracted here as it will need more than 2 month to heal and go get the implants later in India? FYI I am 28 and i wont be growing/dont have a permanent tooth to replace the baby tooth

Answer by pusspussgeroux
You won’t need an implant…When the baby tooth is removed a new one will grow alllll by itself!….lol

Answer by Dr. Sam
You signal like an intelligent person and you have provided as much information as you doubtless have knowledge of, so I know that you will accept this as a speculative answer. Since you are talking about having a baby tooth removed, there might be small or no defect left in the bone at all. Even though there is no permanent tooth, the roots may have started to resorb anyhow. In this case, I reckon nearly anyone would be comfortable placing an implant very soon or even at the same visit as the extraction. If there is a lot of root structure or if the tooth has combined to the bone and has to be cut out, some dentists would prefer to wait and it is not possible to say how long that waiting period would be. Many times, patients get an all acrylic partial denture with one tooth on it (a “flipper”) to wear while they are healing. It might be possible to have your tooth removed and get a flipper to wear for cosmetic purposes while you heal.

I won’t even question why you are having this done in India, as “some of my best friends are Indian dentists” and some of them are highly expert. All I’ll say is that I do hope you have a excellent reason for having your treatment in India and I hope that you already know WHO will be doing it. I hope you are hot going over there simply because you heard that it is cheaper and you are hoping to locate a dentist once you get there. In any event, excellent luck.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

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