Thursday 24 March 2011

Dental implant and bone graft?

Dental implant and bone graft?

Hi I questioned a question recently about a dental implant and getting a bone graft. Researcher answered and clarified that they place the allograft (bone graft) in and that does not grow but your own bone grows onto it. My question is -is there anything to do or eat to be better for the bone growning. Should I take more calcium, drink more milk or do anything that would benefit my bone growing on this graft. Thanks
I do have osteopenia ( pre- osteoporosis), and I am 58 being ancient. This was a tooth with root canal then apico then infection now cleared up but with bone loss at the site. I took fosamax, take 1500 calcium already, magniesium and have added more D, besides multi, C, and a few others.

Answer by suellenh
Special hard work shouldn’t be necessary. April 2007 I had a dental implant placed and by the end of the year I had my tooth. There was the possibility of needing a bone graft (turned out I didn’t) but, even so, I’m 57 and the last bone density study I had done I was “borderline osteoporotic.” I still managed to grow excellent bone without taking calcium or changing my diet. You don’t give your age but you might already be on rx for osteoporosis prevention.

Answer by Dr. Albert, DDS (UNITED STATES)

Answer by believer
You could add vitamin E as that’s the one that helps the body repair itself.

Answer by absent farmer
We recommend that you not smoke and that you avoid sugar for the first month after the implant is placed.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Originally posted here:
average cost of a dental implant

I am gone two of my molar teeth on my lower right side. How much do dental implants cost in Ontario Canada

Answer by lawyerslastbreath
I thought Canada has universal health care. Meaning you dont pay for any care.

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