Sunday 20 March 2011

I have tooth implants, does that disqualify me for the military?

I have tooth implants, does that disqualify me for the military?

I’m getting a DOD physical exam next month because I’m joining the Navy ROTC. does anyone know if having tooth implants will disqualify the medical exam? the implants use titanium tooth roots and my friend told me he was turned down by the marines because he had titanium jaw re-enforcements.
thanks for the input everybody

Answer by Peggy C
I dont reckon that matters at all

Answer by hoodyhudak
I wouldnt reckon so. They dont pose any longterm problems. And you could bite your way out of a hairy situation. Id say the Marines would be more than willing because we are all killers.

Answer by Team Chief
Titanium jaw re-inforcements are a really different thing than what you have. Tooth implants, in any case of what they’re made of, should be okay and not produce you any problems.

Answer by lilydrakek
Air Force ROTC: No intentional alteration of any body part that deforms or otherwise detracts from a professional military image, enhancing tooth filing.

I don’t reckon you’re going to have a conundrum

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Here is the original post:
best dental implant system

I am gone the 2 teeth on either side of my front teeth and now have fleeting dentures on a retainer. I want to get the more permanant solution of teeth implants. I have been told that i’ll have to wait in anticipation of i stop growing to recieve them but is there any way of telltale when that will be?

Answer by WIZz
question a dentist for that he will give you the best answer

Answer by Tabby f
You can get tooth implant at any time if the tooth that came out is your permanent tooth .

Answer by frdrtd
You cannot get an implant at any age, even if it is a permanent tooth that was removed. Your jaw is still forming in anticipation of you are about 20 being of age. No reputable dentist is going to house an implant in a teenagers mouth.

Once you have reached adulthood, then you will be able to have the implant placed. It is usually between the ages of 18 and 22.

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