Sunday 3 April 2011

Q & A: Tooth whitening AM / implant or bridge?

Q & A: Tooth whitening AM / implant or bridge?

I have a tooth extracted, after which I either have to have a bridge or implant. But I also have teeth that are more yellow, and I want to bleach them. If I get the bridge position before the bleaching, there is a conundrum of mis-matched colors, or should I make the bleaching first? That seems backwards to me because the color is so much less vital as a replacement of the tooth. But if it is necessary, that’s the way I will go.

answer:) x beth
Certainly bleach or you have always been a part of the tooth, an entirely different color for the rest and it will look dreadful x

response from Demosthenes
Reckon of it like this … the color of natural teeth can be bleached white, but an implant or bridge is done once, will not change the color. It is usually the patient’s choice to bleach, then use the bridge / implant fulfill. to

answer by Dr. Albert, DDS (UNITED STATES) before the final fade
BEST RESTORATION BECAUSE OF THE COLOR once the porcelain can not fade or be altered.

response of nurse becky
bleaching performed Get zuerst.Andernfalls you will have gorgeous white teeth with a bridge or inappropriate Implantat.Leider it seems backwards, it is a those annoying situations. .

response from Dario
Before making a color contest if you want a freebee, go to this page: Pro-Free-Trial.htm

Add your own answer in the comments!
Originally posted here:
best dental implant system

I got an abscessed tooth pulled about two being ago filled with numerous wells after a 14-year-ancient dentist phobia. Now I’m beginning to feel an ever so simple growing gap between the two teeth next to everywhere the abscessed tooth, and I’m just wondering about themselves is an appointment for sometime next month, spring break in March at the latest. My question is should I opt for a bridge or an implant? The implant seems much scarier and more expensive, but looks like it will be very reliable. On the other side of the bridge seems very simple and logical.

response from Joe
implant if u got money I would pay full insurance for implants because I’d pulled all my teeth and have all implants why not

Answer by jeff s
If it is a growing area it is possible that you have gum disease. Your dentist or periodontist was able to determine the extent to bridge know that an implant in comparison. The implant has a success rate of over 90%. And it allows you to floss can not and recurrent decay. If you are looking for a bridge you choose your dentist to mill down the teeth on each side has of the one your gone, the cost of a three-unit bridge, compared to an implant and crown are similar in our office. Why would you possibly wear down two very excellent teeth to replace a tooth if it without harming them (implant) could be done? Postoperative pain is minimal and remember to bridge in any case or implant do will require you to be taub.Ein periodontist (gum specialist)

Add your own answer in the comments!

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