Sunday 3 April 2011

which is better ... a dental implant or a root canal treatment for lower back molars?

which is better ... a dental implant or a root canal treatment for lower back molars?

what you mean?

answer frdrtd
save your natural tooth is always the best way to go, but with advances in implants, so or so is a excellent Wahl.Es all depends on the extent of decline, the state of your periodontal health and how well you take care of your Zähne.Jeder case is different, so it’s hard to say what you should do. Question your dentist for the best treatment for your particular case.

Be response F
Hi, it also depends on how much pain you have. If the pain in the picture, then I would doubtless say, a root canal. If the pain is not then the next thing I would look at the costs involved. Unfortunately, the dental care nearly an arm and a leg. Question your dentist or oral surgeon.

answer rets2618
would I do with the root canal, if you can go. I had a root canal on a molar back nearly 20 being ago and I still have the Zahn.Ich would implant only when the tooth is not really stored … as if it is broken under the gum.

know better? Leave your answer in the comments!
Read more:
title=”cost costs for a dental implant

All four of my wisdom teeth removed a year ago, but my face has altered dramatically. I know some people say it isn’t possible, but it has altered and I doubt, no doubt, my face would have altered from a triangle to a square in 3 Tagen.Ist it possible, dental implants, everywhere my wisdom teeth to get used to?

response of LX
No, it is not done, since it has very far back in the mouth and I doubt it cahgned by to removing wisdom teeth.

Give your answer to this question below!

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