Saturday 23 April 2011

Q&A: Dental implants/bridge - what is it like?

Q&A: Dental implants/bridge - what is it like?

I had a permanent tooth completely gone (one of my bottom molars) so I’ve had a space there for a long time since getting the primary one pulled. I just got my wisdom teeth removed and can finally start considering filling in that space. They originally told me I would get a bridge, but my last dental visit they recommended an implant. Of course I’m waiting in anticipation of I get married this summer and start working and have it covered under insurance, so I’ll doubtless get it done in the next year or so when I’m 22/23 yrs ancient. I was wondering what is the better option, and if I do go for the implant is it a painful procedure? I had no pain with the wisdom teeth extraction (3 out total, just minor discomfort and no swelling, no need for the vicadin, fantastic experience surprisingly), and other teeth pullings I was fine as well. Does this mean I shouldn’t be worried about the implant procedure as well, or is it much more intense?
By space I don’t mean everywhere the wisdom tooth was down there, but everywhere the gone molar was (I have the two far back ones and then the one after those is gone).

Answer by papayosha
I had an implant to right a conundrum similar to yours, and it wasn’t too terrible. Of course, like any dental procedure, it wasn’t exactly enjoyable. But the result is that I can chew on both sides of my mouth for the first time in a long time. Hopefully you have excellent dental insurance, because it cost me about $ 3K.

Answer by Mark Bush
The best option is dental implants $ 1200 each.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
Originally posted here:
bridge dental implant

Answer by Impeccably Imperfect
Sometimes porcelain, otherwise IDK.

Answer by oliver m
sea weeds or remains bone i estimate?

Answer by emmalue
Implants are naturally titanium screws placed into your own bone tissue. The bone grows around the screw and it becomes integrated into your jaw.

In some patients, there is not enough bone tissue to support the implant. In those cases, a bone graft by bone tissue from your own body is used to enhance the area.

Answer by Dr. Albert, DDS (UNITED STATES)

Answer by Christy
Bone graft material can be composed of a few different things, the most common are:
-Your own bone, harvested from a different site
-Ceramic granules
-Bovine (cow) bone
-Human remains bone

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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