Tuesday 19 April 2011

Q&A: question about my missing tooth ?

Q&A: question about my missing tooth ?

i am 13 being ancient and i will have braces on for 1-2 being and then when they are off i will have to wear like a wired thing with a fake tooth attached to it, in anticipation of im grown-up enough to get a tooth implant which is 19-20 being ancient.
i was wondering will they place the wire on the inside of the teeth so u cant see it, or the outside.

itll suck if they place it on the outside because i will have to place up with it for being.

um and btw, the weird tooth thing with the fake tooth attached, i can take it out when i eat and stuff easily and its wire i reckon?

i forgot to question my orthordontist if itll go on the inside or outside.

plz help.

yes it is a wire and its called a partial. it will be hidden by your teeth so no one will know. aka it will go behind ur front teeth in anticipation of you get your implante. hope this helps place you at ease.

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Here is the original post:
average cost of dental implant

So when i was 9, i was at the park and my front right tooth fell out. My parents found it and my dentist place it back in. Though, it is discolored (thank God my upper lip is long enough to take in it) and now im 13. i have had braces since 6th grade. when i get my braces off, what happens? do i have to get those stupid retainers with a tooth in it till i am ancient enough to get a single tooth implant, or what?

thanks for the help.

BTW i am entering high school next year, and i dont want to seem vain, but will it look obvious?

Answer by natmys333
My step-daughter had both of her front teeth knocked out when she was in kindergarten. They place metal rods into her jaw and place a crown with two new porcelain front teeth. They have to be replaced if they crack or break which is expensive but look completely normal and also are not discolored. She also has braces and they work fine with the regular teeth. I would talk with your dentist with your parents and clarify how you are feeling and see what they say.

Answer by item jamir
you can go for RCT of that tooth & do crowning of the tooth after RCT.
or you can go for implant ,which will involve some surgical procedures & fixing of the crown.

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