Monday 25 April 2011

My son is 17 years old and needs a tooth implant, is that too young? And does dental Insurance pay?

My son is 17 years old and needs a tooth implant, is that too young? And does dental Insurance pay?

Answer by Roy
He is too young for the surgery, the patient needs to have completely stopped growing to have implant surgery. In the meantime he can be fitted with a denture or bridge (if it’s a conundrum aesthetically).

Dental insurance does not pay as its not strictly “necessary”. It will cost around £1,500 per tooth.

This advice and prices are based on a UK dentist

Answer by
Implants are not recommended for any one under 15-16 being of age. A person facial structures are naturally not done growing. There has been some evidence that the jaw of women continues to grow into the late teens. Men though, can continue into their 20′s signifying that use of implants be delayed even further

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Here is the original post:
best dental implant system

Answer by Felicity J


Answer by Danielle D
yes, can you say sedation dentistry?

Answer by fip
My dentist gave me a needle — and you feel the usual uncomfortable pin prick, etc. After my gums were numb, he gave me more, much more needle.

When he started the work, I did not feel a thing.

Afterward, when the effect of the needle wore off, it was a bit painful and I took the Tylenol 3 he had prescribed.

There are lots of antibiotic and other pills to take on the day and after the procedure.

Hope this helps a bit.

Answer by devilgal031948
Yes it is and it takes a long time to heal barring no infections or problems with the implant.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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