Wednesday 27 April 2011

Q&A: Does having dental implants disqualify you from being a military pilot?

Q&A: Does having dental implants disqualify you from being a military pilot?

Answer by devgru
no, in fact the contrary will, havong poor dental hygiene will disqualify you from becoming an officer

What do you reckon? Answer below!
Read the original here:
best dental implant

my grown-up sister want to get some dental implants fitted just 2 or 3 white ones since she is whitening her teeth before she gets them and want to know if they would ever change colours? like from white to an unhealthy colour or something….
she is healthy and doesnt drink or smoke :) thxs

Answer by Kylee
It’s vital to eat well to keep fit. Acai berry is an awesome super food which keeps you fit and additionally has the bonus of assisting you to lose lots of weight. There is a free trial happening now at , give it a try, how worse could it make things?

Answer by Arrmy
Dental implants won’t naturally change colors from my experience. Its naturally the other teeth around it that get stains and make the implants look like the incorrect color. That said ancient composite (white fillings) are renowned to discolor when they are getting to be over 20 being ancient, but by that stage they can be redone.

One suggestion here is to have the teeth whitened before she gets the implants as this will allow the dentist to contest the bleached colour to the new implants. Also ensure that the teeth get regular annual to 6 month cleans to ensure that stains are removed. This will help keep the teeth white.

If she is a coffee drinker let her know that after she bleaches she should lay off the coffee for a while to avoid new stains after bleaching. (The stains tend to stick worse after bleaching because the tooth enamel is softer)

Hope this helps.

Answer by JW
You are doubtless referring to the crowns that are cemented on implants. Implants are in bone and under the tissue so they are not visible. White crowns (porcelain) can stain over time with tea, coffee, and red wine consumption. If she is bleaching her teeth before getting the crowns her natural teeth will doubtless reversion and the color of her natural teeth might get darker as compared to the crowns.
If she want to learn more about dental implants have her check out:

Answer by John Bridger – DDS
The dental implant is like the root of a tooth, you cannot see them. Though, the crown that is placed over the implant is made of porcelain and will not change color. It can get stained from coffee, etc. but that stain can easily be polished off by a dental hygienist. Make sure she gets her natural teeth as white as she desires them prior to placing the implant crowns.

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