Sunday 3 April 2011

My job doesn't offer insurance and I need dental work done?

My job doesn't offer insurance and I need dental work done?

I am 20 being ancient and don’t have very much money. I need dental work done, specifically a dental implant. I called my usual dentist for an approx. quantity and it was a few thousand since I don’t have insurance. They have a payment plot but you have 3 months to pay them back and I don’t want to do a credit card everywhere you are paying even more for interest and the fee for the dentist. I don’t know what I should do, any suggestions help!

Answer by Chanel
Try a dental school. They will offer you dental work at a discounted price.

Answer by Pandemonium
try a dentist abroad. I had 4 implants at Cancun while i was also on vacation 900 usd each aprox

Answer by Clay – my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has excellent coverage for dental issues.

Give your answer to this question below!
Read the original here:
bicon dental implant

Answer by perioligament
I have two dental implants. Tooth facts two and twenty. Two is an upper right molar, and twenty is a lower left premolar. I had these two teeth pulled being ago, before I had dental insurance and before I knew better. I am not sure what a tapered implant is? I went to a oral surgeon and he cut back the gum tissue and drilled the area for the implant to be placed. He inserted a titanium screw in these areas and then stitched the opening closed. About six weeks later he opened these areas and place on the abutment or healing caps. I then had to wait about six month before putting the final crowns on to make sure that my body was not going to reject the implants. Putting implants in these areas was the best thing I have ever done. Not having to deal with a bridge or a partial is a blessing. It is incredible what dentistry can do now. It is expensive, even with my wonderful professional discount I have about 5 grand invested in these two teeth. This includes the oral surgeon fees, sedation fees, implant cost, and crown coverage. I never had a moment’s pain with any of this procedures, I was quite surprised. I expected some discomfort, but I had zero. I had the oral surgeon do I.V. sedation on me as I have tmj and it is hard for me to be open for a long time, but you don’t have to have I.V sedation, you can do it under local anthes. There are many types of dentists that do this now including periodontists, oral surgeons, general dentists etc. So you should shop around and find the best fit for you. Some insurance will take in this procedure, but not all. My dental insurance did not take in implants. But it is still worth each penny I invested. Let me know how things go. Excellent luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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