Wednesday 13 April 2011

Have you gotten tooth implants?

Have you gotten tooth implants?

I need a couple and I want to know what to look forwards to. Is it terribly painful afterward? Did they do it under a local or a general anesthetic? If local…how terrible? Is it as real looking and comfortable as a natural tooth? How much did you pay for each one? Any answers to any of these questions would be appreciated. Thanks!!

Answer by smileman
No they are generally not painful. A small swelling after wards if at all. With just two it will be done under local unless you requested to be place under. Yes they can be very comfortable and look as excellent if not better then your natural teeth. Implants have be converted into a common procedure in many dental offices.

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Go here to read the rest:
cosmetic dental implant

I have had a root canal on this tooth and then had a crown on it but then a week or so it starts hurting sometimes, delight tell me why and how to fix this.

Answer by kev z
If I were you I would have got it extracted I mean if I had to have either a Root canal or Extraction I would pick a Extraction especially since it did not work well for you I mean you had to have a crown. I am sorry that you have pain I know how your feeling I just had a deep filling an hour ago so I am in the same boat as you right now.

Answer by Dan
The bite may need to be adjusted on the crown. If the crown is bumping heavily on the opposing tooth the crown can start to hurt. Go back to the dentist and have the tooth checked out.

Answer by Ash T
A crown on a root canal should not be hurting.

The crown may be too high and may be hitting too hard on your other teeth causing pain and discomfort. Your crown also might not be cemented properly or you might have some cement left behind in your gums causing irritation.

Try rinsing with warm salt water and take ibuprofen for now.

Go to your dentist straight away to have it checked, they should take an x-ray.

Excellent luck!

Add your own answer in the comments!

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