Tuesday 15 March 2011

Is Dental Implant procedure painful?

Is Dental Implant procedure painful?

I am going thru a Dental Establish procedure for 4 teeth. I am suffering a lot of pain and not sure if this is ordinary. I am having doubts that it really works.

Answer by kelloggdental
Implants are usually not very painful. High implants can have more problems than lower implants. The out of back in the backtalk, the more problems arise. If you are edentulous, and your implants are on the lower anterior, then you must have only pain. If your implants are on the high anterior, then probably only pain, but the bone is not as high a quality so there is a danger of a loose establish. If your implants are on the lower posterior, then you may have mandibular nerve involvement. If you have numbness by the side of with pain. If you have high posterior implants, you may have maxillary sinus involvement. If none of this is right, then buck up, take some pain pills and wait until the pain goes away.
DDS 33yrs

Answer by DR. Implants
No ,not really -

So.. it all starts with the dentist introducing a local anesthesia into the significant area, he then cuts an incision on the gum’s soft bandanna making a flap (that’s the reason some use the term flap surgery) in order to expose the jaw bone.

The spot is manifest and a hole (osteotomy) is then drilled into…http://www.dental-implants-handbook.com/dental-establish-surgery.html

Excellent luck

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3i dental establish

My front tooth cracked and finally came off last week, I need a full establish procedure, establish-post-crown, everywhere i called cost nearly $ 2,200.00 for the whole procedure. Can anyone suggest a low cost dentist in the New York, New Jersey, Conneticut area even Pensylvania or massachusettes will be ok.

Answer by LX
Try a dental school

What do you reckon? Answer below!

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