Saturday 16 April 2011

Q&A: what is a Dental implant ???

Q&A: what is a Dental implant ???

Answer by marion
a dental implant is a fake tooth which is attached to a metal pole that is inserted into the gum. But before u can have this trement done u have to undergo a gum test to make sure that your gums are ok to accept the pole that has to be inserted into the gum area everywhere the tooth as to go.

Answer by Irv S
A dental implant is a dental appliance,
(tooth or bridgework), anchored to one
or more posts implanted in the jaw bone.

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Here is the original post:
bone graft for dental implant

So I had two implants placed on 2/14. The one on the left is fine, no problems, no pain. On the right, though, I’m not having any pain but noticed a swelling above the site, near the gums. I went back to the oral/maxilofacial surgeon who is starting me on another round of Clindamycin. Has anyone else had this happen?
What could it be?
I’m a young, non-smoking female.

Answer by myasphinx2000
Its sounds like your in excellent hands with your OS. They tend to stay a small irritated at first but it goes away.

Answer by Conservational One
call yuor doc, im sure its common

What do you reckon? Answer below!

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