Tuesday 5 April 2011

Q&A: Dental implant process?

Q&A: Dental implant process?

When you get the implant and have to wait 6 months for it to connect with your bone, what do you have as a replacement? Like do you have a denture? What’s the fleeting replacement? :)

Answer by Costa Rica Guide
There are numerous options.

You can have a flipper, a bridge (attaches to the neighboring teeth) or in my case they took the ancient tooth, cut the root off and glued it to the teeth next to it.

Answer by Bill
In my case I did nothing since the tooth was near the back and the only time you could see it was when I opened my mouth wide.
If the tooth or lack of it will show when you smile they usually suggest a flapper or as it’s sometimes refered to a flipper.
It’s a fake tooth on a contoured palate that fits in the mouth. You can remove it anytime you want.
They do not do anything to the adjoining teeth. It’s more like a removable retainer except it has a tooth attached. It’s mostly for cosmetics. You have to be careful when eating.
Most people don’t really like it but it’s excellent when you go out.

Answer by JW
Usually a removable flipper which has a plastic replacement tooth. In some cases when esthetic appearance is vital, a fleeting crown can be flat to the implant. This would only be used to improve appearance. You could not chew with the fleeting. These are the most common solutions.
If you want to learn more about dental implants, visit:


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cost dental implant surgery

Answer by BIg Daddy
no. they will give you some numbness for the gums. but the local anesthetic might sting initally.

Answer by docgobbler
I take upon yourself that you have a healing cap on the implant. You may or may not be numbed up for this next procedure. They will remove the healing cap and screw in the abutment. Of course this wouldn’t hurt no matter what. Then after the doc is satisfied with the abutment shape [it may have to be screwed in and removed a few times] an impression will be made for the crown and a fleeting plastic crown placed over the abutment. You will go home with the fleeting cap [at least that's how I do it]. NO pain.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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