Sunday 10 April 2011

Dental Implant loose.?

Dental Implant loose.?

Just waited 1 year to finally get my front tooth implant. Went home and checked in mirror and it looked g8. One huge conundrum tho it is loose. It wiggles forwards and backwards. I called the Dentist 5 minutes later was back in the chair and was told he doesn’t know how that happened. I was told to come back in 3 months. I just spent 4grand for a wobbly tooth.I can see the abatement which is attached to the implant go with the tooth. I know he tightened it all the way produce I just couldn’t take any more of the pain when he was tapering it. What is the conundrum. Delight help. I can barely bite a hot dog because of the soreness of the gum area.

Answer by Ashley H
the crown might be loose..if it is then you need to get it flat..

if it is the implant itself that is loose, then you need to call the dentist/ oral surgeon who place the implant in..

when you had the tooth extracted, they should have place bone graph material in there so it wouldn’t be converted into loose.

call the dentist..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Read this article:
3i dental implant

I am considering dental implant surgery to secure a full set of upper dentures with implanted titanium pins. Since no crowns will be applied to the pins, is this a less expensive and more matter-of-fact way of regaining the use of my teeth. Are there any dental implant titanium pins designed for securing dentures without having to use adhesive?

Answer by Jaime S
I reckon implants are an brilliant way to secure a denture. There are o-rings that attach the denture to the implants. No adhesive vital. The implants have a ball and the denture has a hole with a ring on it that snaps onto the implant and secures it in house. This is a better way than conventional denture only…it helps preserve the bone and reduces the relignments that are needed as the bone changes under the denture. A fantastic investment. If you are in Indiana, I know a fantastic dentist that can help.

Answer by Skeeter
I know quite a bit about this theme. I will answer your question but feel free to click my name and write me anytime. I have a complete mouth restoration with 8 implants on top and 6 on the bottom. My teeth are screwed onto my implants which makes my teeth as secure as my permanent teeth ever were and much prettier. I have a dear friend who is a Prosthodontist. She shared with me a study she did. It is proven that those who get dentures without the teeth in the jaw that the bone starts to deteriorate. In some quicker than others. It is also proven that titanium implants mimic the roots of the teeth which stop the deteroration. Plus dentures constantly go and the friction back and forth wear against the gums. A person who can afford the kind I have has the best option but those who cannot if they can afford at least 2 to 4 implants and the denture they have modified to snap onto the implants can finally eat with confidence, never worry about slipping, can eat pretty much anything they want and the speech is corrected as the teeth are stable. It is also proven that the cost is quite a bit less than the kind I have. Though, she does not recommend the “mini implants” as these do not have the endurance as the regular ones do. Also you can have the roof cut away from the uppers, thus tasting your food again like before. Never again will you need adhesives. But remember that when you have them placed you cannot place pressure on them for chewing for about 5 to 6 months. Now don’t freak out about that. It’s simpler than you reckon and I can share how with you later if you chose to write to me.


Answer by Dr. Sam
Yes and yes. Jaime and Skeeter have both given you excellent answers. I’m not so opposed to mini implants for dentures, though, as they are not really “loaded” the way Skeeter’s implants are. They are only “locator studs” to keep the dentures from slipping around and popping out. The gums and bone still bear most of the load from chewing and there is a bit of “play” designed into the system to keep the mini implants from really bearing very much load. Skeeter has the “deluxe, high-priced spread” and this is a wonderful way to go, but if you simply want to improve your denture wearing experience, then mini implants might serve you very well for a bit less of an investment.

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