Monday 4 April 2011

Dental bridge or implant?

Dental bridge or implant?

response of PGM
dental bridges are much cheaper. My insurance will not pay for implants because they are “cosmetic”. So, this involves a question of whether you pay up to $ 5000 a tooth out of pocket.

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See the original post:
best dental implant system

Hi, The root of my teeth gone, when I was a teenager and the tooth is only reputable. This is an adult tooth, but the insurance company is considering as a milk tooth, because it has no root. Is there no other way (size, color) to confirm that help me, could save the insurance that this is an adult tooth, not a baby? This tooth must be replaced by an implant, and insurance would accept it if this tooth is an adult nur.Vielen Thanks! Vigie

answer from blahblah
a baby tooth is less vital than an adult one

answer grandeyeglass
Will your insurance company take the word of a dentist? I’m sure there are some structural way they are dealing with an x-ray or something.

Answer prove by kindgirl2006
a milk tooth is not a root of an adult tooth has four main roots at the end!

answer perioligament
your dentist should def. be able to tell the difference between a milk tooth and an adult tooth. Depending on everywhere it is located and how huge it is compared to the other teeth. Some people do not receive permanent tooth in one or more points, so the primary tooth in the mouth remains present, as no other gear including push it. The roots absorb the milk teeth, so they break away and get ready to make room for adult teeth. Although it is not a root of the tooth still present in the mouth remain for numerous being, sometimes for a lifetime, if you are careful. I’ve seen grown men with a baby tooth still in his mouth. Maxillary molars, permanent wave (top, back teeth) have three roots, and lower perm molars (lower molars) have two roots. Depending on everywhere this tooth, your dentist should tell you whether it is a primary or permanent tooth. Some people do permanent tooth roots absorb some reason have, in this case, if the tooth is loose then they would have to have an implant. I know of one case everywhere this happened to a lady in the dental field, she has brilliant care at home, it has happened so simple that a back molar tooth root resporbed leaving the loose, they had place an implant. I’m sure there is a way for your dentist to find out one way or another what’s going on in your mouth. Insurance companies can be very picky, so do not give up, keep trying.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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