Wednesday 9 March 2011

Does everyone that gets a dental implant need a bone graft?

Does everyone that gets a dental implant need a bone graft?

If so how long does it naturally take to heal with a bone graft?

Answer by lou g
Bone grafting is done on a case basis. Not everyone needs grafting. The bone graft usually takes 3-6 months to heal. There are several types of grafts. You may maybe have an extraction site grafted, a sinus lift, your ridge may maybe be widened etc.

Answer by Neetalia
no. every one does not need a bone graft. it depends upon the height of the bone. if it is less then bone grafting is done other wise there is no need. naturally it takes nearly 3 months for proper healing.for more in rank on dental implants you can visit the following link

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Take up again reading here:
cost dental establish

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