Friday 15 April 2011

, a tooth was knocked going to be replaced? ?

, a tooth was knocked going to be replaced? ?

my tooth was knocked out by some huge stout bimbo yesterday in a local zeigen.Ich still have my original Zahn.Ich had braces and it tore with my tooth. It schmerzte.wird this effect with me again and again braces? Can I have the tooth? as best I can replace the tooth? if I have a dental implant can I still Hosenträger.BITTE HELP! Thanks.

answer by * Mandi *
you cannot place that tooth back. You can use a cap or crown.

answer smackeral <3
well it used to grow again, but you can get a fake, and you should still be possible, just get back your braces

answer Unpretty I
from a guy who had had braces as a teenager, and when he was skateboarding, he fell on a car park and knocked out six front teeth. His mother brought him to the dentist, and he place his teeth back in and had him down to clamp it in anticipation of it hold a special fitting into his gums to the teeth in position in anticipation of the gum could provide cured. If you have been able to go to the dentist immediately (when the tooth was pulled, root and all), there is a possibility they could have saved … but since it’s been a day, no. The chances are rerooting zero, because the root is dead now, and the tooth was verseucht.Wie with bacteria much of the tooth is gone? If it is the whole tooth, you doubtless need an implant. If part of the end is there, then they’re like a cap / crown. Or they want to pull what’s left and replace it with a bridge. I’m pretty sure you can replace brackets with all these options, except possibly a bridge.

know better? Leave your answer in the comments!
Read this article:
contemporary dental implant center reviews

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