Monday 4 April 2011

Q&A: Does it hurt to get a dental implant? ?

Q&A: Does it hurt to get a dental implant? ?

and how long does it take? (front tooth) does it look nice and natural after in most cases? what is the cost?

Answer by Lat H
it doesn’t hurt much, only a bit of pain after the surgery but your surgeon will prescribe painkillers. eat them in time, don’t wait for the pain.
will it look natural. it can depending on how experience your surgeon is, how high your smile line is, and how excellent the lab who will construct the crown is.
not sure how much it will cost in your area. it varies in different seats. if i was you will do a bit of search before i choose who to go to.
it is renowned that periodontologist are the best implantologist.
excellent luck

Answer by enamel
Dental implants are effectively painless. The time involved, if the procedure is routine is minimal. About 20 minutes. If the site is healthy and bone is excellent, then the post-op cosmetics will be very acceptable. Cost varies and would be a total estimate. Excellent Luck

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Read this article:
contemporary dental implant centre

Answer by plmdmd
yes, but the implant wont go at all…
teeth can be went (its very hard to clarify why) but implants cant.

so it you have a few teeth to go its excellent, but if its for a misaligned implant, no its impossible.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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