Sunday, 13 March 2011

What's the difference between a crown & post and a dental implant?

What's the difference between a crown & post and a dental implant?

Answer by sarahmcgeachy
a crown is on the further than of the tooth( the part you see) and a post is on the inside, its what they attach the crown to to build up the tooth..hope this helps x

Answer by emnari
Crown & Post are not permanent .. they have a shelf life and it’s usually 10 being .. a dental establish lasts longer and is way more pricey and painful .. I have both and even as the establish is splendid .. the pain was appalling and not something I’m willing to do again.

The other business is that a crown and post are not implanted into your jaw like an establish.

Answer by melissa lyd
A post and crown restores a tooth. An establish replaces a gone tooth. A post is used when a tooth is very broken down, sometimes there is only a tiny part of the tooth that is left above the level of the gum line. If the tooth is still restorable then the dentist will bond or reinforce a post (reckon of it as a tiny toothpick made out of metal or plastic) down into the root of the tooth. The tooth will need a root canal if it does not have one. In this area half of the post will be sticking up out of the tooth so the dentist can bond a core to it (or build up the tooth so it looks like a stump). Then it can be shaped/prepared for a crown. An establish is like a “screw” that an oral general practitioner surgically places in the bone to replace a tooth that has been extracted. With the bone heals nearly the establish the dentist will place an abutment (something for a crown to be roofed to) and takes an depression and from that a crown will be made to fit onto the abutment. In the end the difference is that a post is used on a tooth that needs to be restored, and an establish is used to replace an extracted tooth. They both will need a crown.

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See more here:
join dental establish

I am shocked at this amount. Has anyone had an establish? What was the experience like?

Answer by Matthew C
That’s not reasonable for a single establish. A single establish runs ~$ 2500 + $ 2000 for the crown = $ 4500-$ 5000

Answer by FL
that’s crazy. a single establish is in this area $ 3000. i paid $ 3300 for a 5 crown join.

Answer by CDA~NY
The oral general practitioner we refer to for implants charges $ 1900, the periodontist charges $ 1800 for his implants, and then our fee for the post and crown is $ 1275.

Keep shopping…. your quoted fee is ridiculous.

Answer by DR. Implants
if it’s only 1 establish – then it’s pricey but your dentist probably needs to preform additional procedures, and that makes it more pricey -
Dental establish prices vary any where from $ 2000 to $ 4500 – for a single restored tooth supported by a dental establish!! But the price can increase much in cases where additional procedures are needed (bone graft or sinus lift).

Read more in this area dental implants and how to find a low-cost dental establish by by these tips/dreams –

Excellent luck

Answer by Lucy
Dental establish surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and Lasik surgery in India by a companionship called Indian Health Guru Consultants. The Price for dental and Lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America.

Indian Health Guru Consultants is very well-known in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, Lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot in this area them in the Newspapers and magazines- in this area their uncomplaining tales.
They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plot to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not roofed by indemnity. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally judge that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare unfilled In India is austerely best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK qualified and facilities are 5 star.
Hope this helps.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

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