Q&A: I'm missing a side tooth and its embarrasingto smile. I planning on getting a tooth implanted?
Is this a excellent thought, how long does it lasts? A life time? Or being? Anyone who has had it done delight answer. It depends on me smiling again.
Answer by Jenine
If you go with Veneers it will cost you about $ 600-$ 1000 for the one tooth – it’ll last you ABOUT 10 being and then you’ll need to replace it.
Answer by 29 weeks… ♥
a permanant single tooth implant should have a lifetime guarantee(if done right)…Most dental surgeons will replace it if it falls out or breaks…I work in a dental surgery
Answer by RdRedWine
we do implants all the time at our office.
anything will fail due to poor hygiene. discuss rate of success with your dentist/periodontist/oral surgeon (whomever is doing it). Depends on house of the implant, quantity and quality of the bone. Success decreases if you are a smoker. there are other factors as well…
Other than that, according to the dental gurus, it is the best treatment of choice compared to a bridge.
Answer by goldeeloxxz
Implants are made of titanium, they should doubtless outlive your lifetime, they keep your bone from receeding everywhere the gone tooth or teeth are & they are fantastic but very expensive & most of the time insurance will not pay for them. I worked for a surgical dentist for 8 being & we placed implants frequently.
Answer by Red
An implant is a excellent choice as long as you have the bone structure to support it. Your other choices are a bridge, which would involve the teeth next to the gone space and will liable not last as long, or a removable appliance.
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