Saturday, 26 March 2011

someone with a front tooth implant?

someone with a front tooth implant?

answer by Annie I have a
left on my front tooth, but if you Saw You Would not be possible to Tell It There is even a fake tooth! My Sister Kicked my tooth in a swimming pool accident!

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See the rest here:
dental cosmetic dental implant

my 4 front teeth are gapped and my 2 teeth next to my main front teeth are very small? What is the way to getthis flat and how much would it cost?

response from Jared
Braces – for the gaps, and caps (crowns) for the teeth you want to be like mehr.Alternativ .. Veneers for the upper two quadrants of the teeth to give you a “perfect” upper Muster.Also basically it is moving orthoses on the teeth and a few crowns – or just place crowns on the entire section in a Rutsch.Für veneers will run a few blogs tausend.Obwohl the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to know. Nothing is as strong as your healthy teeth. So there are some compromises

response from John Bridger -. DDS
I do not reckon dental implants, what you need. I reckon you would be best advised to go to a cosmetic dental specialists. You might 4 veneers or porcelain crowns on your 4 front teeth house. This would allow the dentist to the size and shape of the teeth change, closing the gaps and the output of the width of the two “small” teeth. In the Houston area, the average cost for veneers or porcelain crown costs $ 900.00 to $ 1200.00 per tooth. I reckon you would be very pleased with the results.

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