Monday, 14 March 2011

after dental implant surgery what is pain like and what medications are prescribed how bad is pain?

after dental implant surgery what is pain like and what medications are prescribed how bad is pain?

dont want to hurt terrible and and can you question in this area pain medication before surgery

Answer by Duo Hunter
I don’t know what kind of establish you are talking in this area, but I can tell you for a root canal, I didn’t have much pain until I ongoing moving nearly. Then it felt like a huge throbbing in the area of the work, and it really hurt. I had to get my dentist to prescribe me codeine. I had to go back in for him to look at it. He said there was no reason for it to hurt so naughtily, but I said I was in agony and couldn’t take it, so he prescribed it for me. It turns out that I was doing heavy blue-collar labor a day with the root canal, and when you are bending and lifting and getting your heart pumping and your blood difficulty goes up, it is the pain of the blood pumping quicker through the recently worked on area that hurts so much, even if nothing is incorrect. If you can stay honestly still and not get your heart rate up too high afterwards, you must be OK. If for any reason you are going to be very physically active afterward, tell the dentist.

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Answer by HK3738
you can either try or try to find one and question him/her!

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