Everyone out there know anything about dental implants?
I had 2 bottom teeth extracted, digit 18 and 19, the back teeth. At digit 19, I had an implant place in my dentist said that not taking the graft, if I continue smoking cigarettes. Is that right? Any smokers out there who have dental implants, you can check that had for me?
answer dslant6
If your dentist tells you this, I would take his / her word.
Yes, it’s right! Smoking is certainly a terrible habit when implants … it is not recommended is to have implants if you can not forget about smoking that … but smoking is terrible anyway … not only for your teeth .. try to stop smoking … You want is a excellent thing for your body when you do that !!!
response from Dr.. Sam
smoking the single worst risk factor for oral wound healing. It does not mean that you are guaranteed not accept the graft, but it’s certainly do not help there. I know people who do not even the process is to smokers.
Everyone agrees that smoking is terrible for transplants and implants. But do not despair. You can tip the odds in your favor, by implementing a plot to reduce smoking and after the procedure. This is a excellent time for you to try, Nicorette or other nicotene replacement. On the surgical side you can consider the use of PRP (supplement question your oral surgeon), the healing of the graft AccelRate. Some surgeons will not transplant as smoking without PRP really helps in wound healing. You can make a graft and a Moker but you must accept, you have to try to tip the odds in your favor. answer by Dr. Albert, DDS I agree fully with
DR.SAM, the numerous damaging COMPOUNDS IN SMOKE have a very terrible effect on tissue was desperately trying to heal.
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bone graft dental implant
Drbelajain.com is an India based Web site offering Implant Cosmetic Dentistry by the best dental, affordable dentist, dental, dental care, cosmetic dentistry.
answer ChEkNa
that’s not really a question, it is: P
Answer from Ladentist com
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