The Cost of a Dental Implant?
What is the average price for a non-conundrum dental implant in your area of the US? From a dentist skilled in the procedure (most states this is not a specialty, anyone just out of dental school can do them)?
Just the implant and post – the crown is separate, usually.
I was mainly attracted in the NJ, Delaware, Penna area, but if you know and are from other areas of the country let me know. (Dentists here all want you to come in, take xrays and charge you, and give you a sales pitch – I just want average prices to see if I can afford)
I always rate answers if at least one excellent one – everyone should
Answer by
On average, dental implants cost approximately $ 1,500 to $ 3,500 per tooth replacement. Additional services for dental implants, such as preparing the jaw bone if needed, can raise the total cost to around $ 15,000 to $ 30,000. These cost may vary significantly depending on the type of implant vital and the dental health professionals performing the implant procedures. Many providers offer discounts for patients receiving more than one dental implant at a time.
Patients may want to consider how the cost of dental implants compares to the cost of other treatments such as dentures and bridges, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each procedure. Unlike dental implants, insurance will often take in 50 percent or more of the cost of dental bridges and dentures. A single bridge generally costs about $ 500 to $ 900. Patients who need crowns to attach the bridge to may need to spend an additional $ 600 to $ 1,200 per tooth. Dentures range in price from about $ 500 to $ 1,500 for each upper or lower set. Though, bridges and dentures may cost more money to maintain, repair or replace over the long term than dental implants, which are generally permanent.
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3i dental implant
How much would a full dental implant procedure cost?
its for 30 teeth idk if everybody has the same quantity of teeth but there’s 30 of them in my husbands mouth who desires them i was also wondering if anyone knew if badger care or forwards health care would take in some of the cost if there is serious tooth decay on 8 teeth to everywhere the tooth is only held on by a small piece of the tooth the rest is decayed into the gum and down to about the middle of the tooth and pieces of his teeth fall off occasionally and lots of small cavities on most of the others his teeth are very nasty looking and needs to be flat before he gets Periodontal disease he didn’t take care of his teeth before we were married and the decay was there but was not noticeable at the time but it is now painful for him to even brush his teeth even with the expensive sensitive tooth paste he is a heavy mountain dew drinker and refuses to give it up even if it kills him and he reuses to see a dentist because he don’t want a dentist to pick at his teeth unless its to pull them out for the implant because his teeth hurt him so much so i would really like an estimate on a full dental implant procedure and if you know if my forwards/badger state heath insurance would help with some of the cost
Answer by Linda
My dentist told me he charges about $ 60,000.00 for a full mouth of implants.
Your dental insurance is more liable to take in the partial cost of dentures.
Answer by Tarnished Angel
You certainly are looking at spending a pretty penny!
A predictable implant costs $ 2,500/ea ($ 200-300 more if a bone graft is necessary)which does not include the crown at about $ 900-1,200/ea.
Most people function with 28 teeth-a mouth has 32 and people are minus their 4 wisdom teeth.
Also keep in mind that periodontal disease can lead to bone loss which may not leave much for each single implant to fuse to.
If it were me, I’d look into an implant supported denture which is permanent. Either way you go, you’re looking at wearing a removable denture for at least 6 mo. while the bone grows around and fuses the implants in house.
To get a TRUE estimate, you need to visit a dentist who does implants and have them consult you on a full mouth treatment plot. This will be beneficial to know how much insurance
may take in, if any and the full dollar figure you need to either save for or seek 3rd party financing.
It is a long road there, but he deserves to do this for himself!
Answer by Paradise Regained
Seriously look into making a vacation out of it.. Some go to Costa Rica, but prices are going up there as well.. Try it though, or Panama or Vietnam..
I would recommend it..!!
In CR they are doing this for foreigners a lot This is just one, there are many you can question estimates at.. And it is a very nice house to visit.. this one is doubtless on the expensive side for CR with their English website and all..
What do you reckon? Answer below!
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