Wednesday, 30 March 2011

My cat had all his teeth extracted by the vet today.Is there a company or vet that does tooth implants 4 cats?

My cat had all his teeth extracted by the vet today.Is there a company or vet that does tooth implants 4 cats?

Answer by Kaska
I’m sure it is cheaper to buy can food

Answer by David P
Yes, I reckon you just need to feed your cat soft food from a can.

Answer by apha_barrelracer
No, never feed canned food to a pet that has just had its teeth extracted. The soft food will get into the pockets and stay in there and produce an infection. Always feed hard food.
As far as implants are concerned, I’ve never heard of a thing like that before, its not necessary medically.

Answer by mycryforsilence
I am sure they do. Call your veterinarian and they can doubtless refer you to a house that does. They even have braces for animals now, crazy eh? Well I hope this helps and excellent luck!

Answer by animalsrme
you can check with a vet school in your area. cats do just fine with no teeth, it is just something they need to adjust to. excellent luck

Give your answer to this question below!
contemporary dental implant centre

Four of my top teeth are still baby teeth and I have no adults ones behind it. The dentist said I can get individual tooth implants for £1700 each, but I can never afford that.
It often hurts to eat cold, hot or crunchy foods. So if I tell the dentist it causes me pain, will I be able to get the implants for free?
Also, I am 17, so normal check-ups are still free.

Answer by richard m
I believe if you are in pain and it is considered urgent, you should be able to get the treatment for free providing you are in education.

Answer by Navid s
Implants can not be done under NHS which is free dentistry. There is very exclusive cases exists that NHS will pay a confidential dentist to do implants. I had one case when a 15 year ancient girl was assulted by her boy friend and 4 front teeth everywhere knocked out! She was suffering from deep depression, etc. With support and letter from psychologist, police, lowers, etc. NHS accepted to pay for the implants. You can always try. It will not work if you claim, you have pain from them. ONLY if you are seriously suffering psychologicly and can be verified by a psychologist, and also wearing a denture or having bridge is no option for you.

Answer by The Gorgeous Mind
This is the conundrum – seventeen. My uncle was allowed two cosmetic front teeth because his original were chipped on the NHS – but he was much younger at the time. It depends if they deem you an emergancy or not. You will also be place on a waiting list. By the time you may be able to get it done you will be over eighteen and they can say, “Sorry. You’ll have to pay for it.” Remember: the NHS will go to the utmost extremes to avoid spending money. It would have be urgent. And as painful as it might be, it is not as terrible as some other cases may be. Meanwhile – have you tried Coldgate Sensitive?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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