Hi, is it possible to have a one or two tooth dentures while I am doing braces? Thank you?
I have been doing braces for about a year now but my front tooth is gone (I will be getting a fake tooth implant once I am done with braces) but it looks kinda hideous now so I am wondering if i can get fake teeth in the meanwhile. I am seeing my dentist tomorrow so I am wondering if it is possible so that I can question him about it without sunding stupid. Thank you!
Answer by Jo
Hi Gwen, nobody on this site is going to be able to give you a better answer than your orthodontist or your dentist. I’ve worked in a dental office, and I’ve worked in an orthodontic office. Believe me, your question isn’t stupid, not at all, although I’m surprised that your orthodontist hasn’t brought up the subject before. I don’t know the answer to your question, but I reckon it’s very reasonable and I know why you would want something to fill the empty house while your teeth are being straightened. Excellent luck.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
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average cost dental implant
I have a cyst above and behind 2 of my incisors (right), my dentist told me I need a surgery to clean it out then apply 2 implants. The whole process will take about a year to complete.
How much should this will cost me? How much is a honest deal?
Professional and honest advice is appreciated.
Many thanks!
Answer by no name
they told me 3,000 per tooth
Answer by Snigs
I work at a dental office that refers such procedures out. Based on what patients have told me though, implants run anywhere from $ 2500-$ 5000. Shop around, but be careful not to go with the “cheapest” doctor necessarily, as you tend to get what you pay for.
Answer by goody2shoes47677
A couple of thousand a tooth. Though if the oral surgeon has to rebuild the ridge( to hold the implant) that is what will take some time. Implants are nearly as excellent as your own teeth.
no one will know you have them unless you tell. Excellent Luck!
Answer by dentalexpress87
The average cost of Implants in Australia is between four and five thousand dollers. Delight note that this is for the implant component only and not the Porcelain crown that attaches to it. This will add another thousand to the price. Be careful when shopping for prices that the crown and surgery is included.
If teeth are to be extracted before an implant is placed then the socket will need at least three months to heal before the implant is placed. After the Implant component is placed it will need another three months of healing before the Implant crown can be placed.
Answer by katty.pitt
You will have to shop around for the best price and quality. The best plot to reduce cost of your dental implants in the USA is localdentist4less. Try it out, make sure you have excellent selection near your zip code.
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