Q&A: Are dental implants good for a 74 year old lady?
by mikeypage10
A patient has 8 excellent teeth in her lower jaw. All upper teeth are alright. She is just a housewife. Should she go for partial denture or complete implant or partial implant?
Answer by versantly
there is a risk with surgery for any person of any age. the patient needs a full medical workup by her doctor if she is concerned.
Answer by designtwilight
The only concern I could reckon of is regarding bone density due to her age. Implants are place directly into the bone and the tooth prosthetic is held atop of the implant. I’m sure any dental surgeon would consult with her first to make sure her jaw is healthy enough for implants.
Answer by sprintgirlracing
First, how is her general health? How is her bone density? With implants, they are set into the spongy bone in a person’s jaw and the bone must be able to grow or migrate through a tiny hole at the end of the implant, so if she’s lacking bone density, it might not be a wise choice. Also, keep in mind that if she is looking at dentures/partials, the prosthetic shouldn’t produce pain if it is fitted correctly. So, tell her not to worry about that. Also, it depends on how much money she desires to spend on this dental care or how much time she desires to invest into it.
Answer by Skeeter
There should be no reason why anyone can’t have dental implants in any case of their age. If they are in excellent health and have excellent bone.
Though, dental implants are terribly expensive. Depending in the region you live will determine the cost. In some area’s implants can be $ 1500 each and in other areas as high as $ 5000. This cost is for implants not teeth. To secure a denture one can get buy with as small as 2 but the denture has to be modified with snaps to clamp onto the denture.
Often unfortunately it is the cost that is more prohibitive for dental implants for grown-up folks than even the fact that they are grown-up.
Answer by alkak1
depends how much bone she has left on the bottom… and the money issue of produce
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Hi everyone, I’m a 2x veteran that seperated from the Army, recently I have distress finding a dentist that will provide dental care under a Vet Affairs dental reimbursement program. Because I have one gone tooth (pre-unfilled cond.), the costs for the dental implant exceeded the VA fee schedule, therefore will not compensate the dentist. VA has been ignoring my case for nearly a year now. If I go for priv dent. ins. I will not be covered for a teeth implant. Now I’m thinking of going to Mexico for dental care. Are there any other options?
Answer by applesauce
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Answer by cog1233
First off.Thank you for your sevice! Have you tried talking to your local veterans groups?You could also contact your Governor or Senator and possibly they can help.If I had the money I would pay it for you because none of our veterans should ever have to worry about any health care of any kind.If someone reading this is willing to help and knows how to set it up so we could donate straight to a Dentist in your area,I bet we could collect it in no time.
Answer by MK
Unfortunately veterans get stuck behnd the 8 ball on this one, and I am so sorry for that. The fees that the VA allows are so low that most dentists can’t work with that fee schedule without losing their shirt. The whole VA Dental program s a joke. We have tried in the past to work with some of the vets in our area and the hospitals place you guys on hold forever. Not a very nice way to say thanks for your service. You should speak with your local government representative to see what can be done in your area. Best of luck and well wishes
Answer by benji
First off, thank you for the sacrifices you have made serving our country. I reckon it is dreadful that you should have to pay for any kind of healthcare! But since there is no immediate fix, I do have a suggestion. I have a discount dental plot and it doesn’t matter if you have a preexisting condition.
The website is http://www.mybestdentalbenefits.com
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