Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Faulty Dental Implant and Empty Nose Syndrome?

Faulty Dental Implant and Empty Nose Syndrome?

Someone I know had a dental implant (right side 2 away from huge tooth) and the post was sticking out from behind her top teeth into her palate for quite some time. The oral surgeon kept telltale her that this was okay. Then burning of top gums, uncontrollable coughing (not a smoker), exhaustion, hard to breathe through her nose (felt like her nose was wide open and it hurt to breathe in air). She had the implants removed, but still has this conundrum. Did some reseach on symptoms and is thinking it is empty nose syndrome even though she had no surgery on her nose. Does anyone have any kind of advice or treatments (other than keeping the nasal area moist)? And has anyone ever heard of an implant causing these dreadful symptoms? Any help will be appreciated.

Answer by Robin_TN
I have heard of empty nose syndrome, but never associated with a dental implant. I can’t imagine how it could be associated. Nearly seems more like that she had an allergic to the implant which would produce nasal symptoms??

Don’t know, sorry

Answer by Roz
I’ve read somewhere that dental implants (the post) can sometimes be drilled into the sinus cavity and you can have problems such as the one you descibed.

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Continue reading here:
cost of a dental implant

I’ve had a bunch of dental implants for a few being now. Recently, a crown became lose. Living in a new area, I went to my Dad’s dentist, who tightened it. He mentioned the screw might need to be replaced at some point. That point was two days later. The screw should arrive Monday or Tuesday.

Yesterday, I was worried the tooth would fall out. My tongue was always rubbing against it in awkward ways, causing it to go. Since the Dentist was closed, I went to another Dentist. They told me not to worry about it. Terrible call there. Thankfully, it fell out when I was wide awake. It’s now kept in a safe house, and I’m feeling fine.

Given that most seats won’t carry the means to fix it anyway, and the screw will come lose again, is it harmful to wait a few days? I brush, floss and mouthwash and such. Feeling fine – better than when the loose tooth was in there.

I spent three hours looking for a Dentist at this hour yesterday, and I spent an hour another day trying to find a Dentist who kept implant screws on hand. No luck there. I don’t reckon it will be a excellent use of my time unless it’s an absolute emergency.

Going to a Dentist is always the safe bet, but I need to know from someone with expertise. Can I wait till after the Weekend? Is there anything I need to keep an eye on? Thanks.

Answer by Kristina
last resort use dental adhesive. we despise it it messes with the bonding of some materials but we just have to use a kcp machine that works like a sands blaster to get it off. a small more work just squeeze it into the crown and push firmly onto screw in anticipation of it dries. then avoided biting or chewing on it in anticipation of you get to the dentist. and yes it will mess up the current screw you have but you said they replacing it anyway.

dental assistant

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