Q&A: how much does a single dental implant cost in the uk? I'm an nhs patient if that makes a difference?? :B
Answer by LX
1000 pounds.
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See the original post here:
ceraroot zirconia dental implant
I had a dental implant placed (lower 1st molar) about 4-5 months ago by a dental school. It was working fine, but now I noticed that it is a bit loose/wobbly. I don’t know if it’s the screw (ie the titanium root) or if it’s the crown/restoration but if I had to estimate I’d say it’s the crown/restoration.
What is the liable produce and repair of this? FWIW overall I have brilliant oral health (the original tooth was broke by trauma), did not have any bone loss whatsoever, don’t smoke, etc.
Answer by thetoofguy
it could be a digit of things. more than liable it’s the really crown. crowns are placed onto dental implants with a screw or with cement. if this were the case, then you’d see your dentist and have the crown recemented or tighten more. this is produce to the bite of the crown, screw not being completely flush, or the cement just being washed out. not a huge deal.
generally, implants that are combined to the bone will go or wobble just before falling out of the mouth and with very small to no bone around the implant. this is produce by many things are hard to pin point. it could be excessive biting forces onto the implant, angled implant, faulty implant, dumb luck…. etc. with implant failures, generally, would need taken out and then replaced. the fact that your oral health is brilliant, non-smoker leads me to believe that this wouldn’t be the case.
there’s many ways to house and restore dental implants, so question your dentist. this crown may be a temp too, in which case, it’s would be normal the crown is loose after 4-5 months.
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