Monday, 28 March 2011

what do i prefer for restoring missing tooth , a bridge prosthesis or implant prosthesis?

what do i prefer for restoring missing tooth , a bridge prosthesis or implant prosthesis?

i m healthy 21yr male with gone upper 1st molar with signal economic class.

Answer by nancy s
Go for the implant if you can afford it and have plenty of bone to work with. The only reason to do a bridge would be if you have large fillings on either side of the space and crowning those teeth would make them more stable.

Answer by David P
I could not agree more. The most ideal replacement for a gone tooth is an implant. You may need to have a bone graft placed in this area in order to have enough bone to house the implant, or you may need another procedure called a sinus lift. With an implant being placed in this area, don’t expect to have your tooth in function any time soon. The bone in the area you are talking about is the buck quality bone of either jaw and will require a significant quantity of time for the implant to osseointegrate (be converted into stabile in bone). It should be worth the wait considering you do not have to sacrifice any of the tooth structure on the teeth adjacent to the gone one in order to house a bridge and this area will be much simpler to clean than if you had a bridge in house.

Answer by CDA~NY
With or without ‘signal economic class’, you still need to see if you’re even a candidate for an implant…. not everyone is.

If you aren’t, then it’s a 3-unit bridge for you, which is partially covered by dental insurance. The implant is not.

Excellent luck.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
Continued here:
3i dental implant

can a Dentist fix this or does it have to be an Endodontist?

Answer by Mister Secret Identity
If you already have had the root canal and the procedure is complete nothing can be done in anticipation of the infection goes away. If the infection is serious then the tooth may need to be extracted. The infection may be coming from the tooth under the gum line.

Answer by superstup
Should have an endodontist look at it. He may try to refuge the root canal, otherwise yes sounds like your tooth is lost.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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