Saturday, 19 March 2011

Q&A: Dental implant treatment?

Q&A: Dental implant treatment?

I will have dental Implant, and wondering what should i expect

Answer by Floyd S
Hello..If all goes as the dentist expects the result will be fantastic…What you do need to know though is that first..the general success of “Implants” is around 87%…second, there is no test that can determine if your body will accept the implant and third you need to get the dentist to place in writing that he guarantees to provide, at no additional cost, any dental procedure vital to deal with the implant should it fail within three being. If the dentist is unwilling to do that you need to reconsider his or her recommendation that you have the procedure done. Implants are already expensive and you should not be responsible for additional services if it fails with in three being, unless you agree to it. Excellent luck and I wish you well.
The Denture Pro.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Here is the original post:
cheap dental implant

delight help from a dentist or professional person involved in this field!

will getting a dental implant on my back right molar help my tmj instead of getting a dental flat bridge?

Answer by tooth975
It makes no difference to your TMJ whether you have an implant or a flat bridge. Though, any restorative work needs to be postponed in anticipation of after your TMJ is flat. Very often, the vertical dimension (aka bite) needs to be increased to stabilized the TMJ and if you already have a bridge or implant in house, this will be impossible to do. Any exiting flat bridge will need to be removed and replaced and if you have an implant in house, it will be rendered a waste of time. So if you have TMJ, get it treated first and have the rest of the dental work done after you are stabilized.

Answer by Thomas
Look there are many thoughts and thoughts behind this. many people possesses different thoughts and that might place in a dilemma. But I will refer you to Brueggen Dental Implant Center. I went there and believe me everything was solved and I am now a days completely free from any dental conundrum. You can also check this from and then choose what you want to do.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

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