Does anyone have a dental implant was done in Tijuana Mexico?
… And can recommend their dentist ?====================================
reply Brunette Hottie
ahahahaaaa sounds like a bad idea
reply Ms.T.Knows
oh wow, no .
I would not recommend it not for several reasons. Tijuana has genuine security concerns now. For an implant, you must visit the dentist several times and then the limit every time. Also, what if something goes wrong with the process check out this site: you find dentists in San Diego, for example, that a payment will take over plan, and compare the prices
reply by Mike Hunt
not had, but I did a barbecue in Tijuana.
not listen to these ignorant people. I live in San Diego and I always get all my medical services in TJ. It is true that some dentists are not as good, but not all! My mother got, I do not know what type of surgery and she was fine. I have run with the same dentist since I was little and trust me I would be a lot billiger.http: / /
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cost for dental implant
I get an implant sometme this summer, but want to know if it so much I should put to sleep, while it hurts the hole for the screw drill thing. I know the Novocain does not hurt does it at all, but he is alive and suck lisetning everything, or would it be better to not know what they are doing ?================= ===================
reply Dmoney25
its not that bad … only novicane and nitrous oxide should do it. unless your concerns you have to have someone with you or something.
the part that is not (ie the onset of what you do normally scared hurt the screw). What hurts the gums after surgery (2-3 weeks), and the bone for 4-5 Wochen.Was really really hurts is when you wear the provisionals and the muscles not to chew with teeth used. Then it is where it hurts. answer by DR implants Hi
Check out these videos: some are live and some animated and decide for themselves whether or not you are awake during the dental implant procedure wollen.http : / / luck
know better? Leave your answer in the comments!
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