Cost of tooth implants in Thailand?
I have a friend who needs information about the cost about teeth implants in Thailand she heard its cheaper but not sure exactly around how much she should spend so can anyone with the knowledge give me a rough estimation?
Answer by Hat-A-Tat-Tat
have a look at Koh Chang dental prices to give you an thought. i have just returned from there.
i had a dental implant done in India & it cost me approx. £470 which i thought was ok. my dentist in England wanted £2000 just for one tooth….so i had a holiday in India & an implant…for less than the English prices. Thailand is a bit more expensive i reckon.
p.s. it is around 50 baht to the £1 … approx – so you can work it out.
Answer by Dan
It all depends on what kind of Dental Implant Treatment .Anything THB 60,000 to 600,000.
Answer by theymademedoit
Well it will vary massively-
If your a first timer looking for reliable treatment ,then go to one of the main hospitals(With a dental Dept) or somewhere like Silom smile.Cost will be reasonable.
I go to a local dentist i know in the Lardprao area,he has made me an implant in the past for approx 10,000 BHT-but with no experience etc ,stick to the advice above, pay a bit extra ,and deal with English speaking dentists.
I have also used the dental Dept at Yanhee Hospital a few being back.The treatment was excellent,but i know prices have gone alot higher there now.Still one to consider though
You can find dentists for Bangkok and other areas right here:
Do some research.
Answer by gregjmaca
i have found a fantastic dentist in patong ( phuket ) she has all the latest gear and is very smart i have had a lot of work done on my mouth with fantastic results and price . her clinic is called sawasdee new generation clinic in the paradise centre on the cnr. her e/m is and her name is kung and she speaks perfect english just tell them greg sent you. also her partner denis knows all the ins and outs of patong everywhere to stay everywhere to eat etc etc
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cost of dental implant
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