Q&A: implant teeth how much it cost?
i wanna to know how much it cost implant teeth in malaysia
hospital and confidential
i need to know how much it cost,
are they upper RM1000 or down RM4000
one implant how much it cost,
i want to know in malaysia only
urgent delight,,,,,,
Answer by dietzel362000
Answer by lourdes r
it can be as high as 5,000 dollrs
Answer by http://liposuction.fateback.com
How much it cost to implant teeth depends on some factors. Some of this is the house of the teeth, then digit of teeth involve, the dentist , the area, etc. Though the actual price in Malaysia ranges from $ 200 to $ 500. You can go to http://toothwhitening.fateback.com for more information especially the cost in Malaysia as you desire.
Answer by cutedoc
i cant give you answer for the prices in malaysia but how i charge in my office is roughly $ 2000 per implant.
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average cost of a dental implant
will a fleeting tooth (before implant) withstand kissing? my friend’s came out just by chewing gum! How are they bonded and are they THAT simple to come out?
Answer by steven m
chewing gum can make a suction effect inside the mouth, so can hurt fleeting dental fittings,
Answer by drsebys
dont fight wit teeth ….!!
temprory are temprory..
can come out with chewing gum or with sticky choclates..It may come out easily because they are made of temprory material !!!even though they are bonded with teeth regular materials
Answer by arae8419
kissing is fine. gum as you should know is sticky and you arent supposed to chew gum when you have a fleeting tooth anyways. All it is, is a fake tooth cemented with IRM, a fleeting cement. you are also not supposed to pop the floss out when you floss that tooth. you have to pull the floss straight out so you dont pop the tooth off.
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