I lost a tooth and im 15 part 2 HELP!!!!?
what should i do i lost a tooth .just right now im in distress a world of pain to repair it. i heard you get a tooth implant but would cost alot$ $ $
im only 15 and really worried my grandma says the tooth does not have any roots (whatever that means) i dont know the difrence between a baby tooth and grownup tooth is it perilous for the gum to be exposed ??when i brush my theeth do i brush my gum were the tooth used to be ?
i’m really worried because i dont reckon im suppost to loose theeth at this age
Answer by Louisa B
you need to consult with a dentist so they can advice you what you need to do. you don’t want to get gum infections.
Answer by LaLa
It’s doubtless a baby tooth. Is it right at the back of your mouth? How many teeth do you have right now? Look in your mouth. On that side, from the middle, you should have at least 6 teeth and the one in the back is a huge one, a molar. If you do have only 6 and only one molar, then the tooth that you lost was a baby tooth and the second molar is about to come in. These teeth USUALLY come in around 12-13, but I know many people who didn’t get them in anticipation of 14-15. The reason it doesn’t have roots is because the adult tooth is nearly ready to come in. As it erupts, it “eats away” at the roots of the baby tooth in anticipation of it is loose enough to come out.
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cost dental implant surgery
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