Would you be able to wiggle the tooth with your fingers if they were teeth implants?
Or are teeth implants wayyyyyyy too much strong for them to even go slightly? also are teeth implants stronger than the natural teeth? i need that answer answered ^ so are they stronger than naturals?
Howcome you wouldnt be able to unscrew the tooth once you get dental implants? if they screw on.. why cant they screw off? what do they do to make the crown un-removable, permanent when its implants?
Answer by tcrown8887
you shouldn’t be able to if they are permanent teeth implants
Answer by Dan
You should not be able to wiggle a dental implant. Many newer implant crowns are cemented into house instead of screwed into house and cannot be removed again. Implants are not as able to hold up to side to side forces as natural teeth but are generally able to withstand up and down forces like when chewing. Nothing is as excellent as the natural tooth though.
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average cost of dental implant
I’m getting one on the top, can you tell me anything about them?
Answer by Tina
Implants are made to look and function like normal teeth basicall they insert the implant into the jaw and screw a cap/crown on top of it
Answer by TheWalkOfShamex3
implants are pretty much like normal teeth.
Except they arent real
They take they fake teeth, and implant it into your gums.
After that, it functions just like a regular tooth, and looks like a regular tooth!
Not a huge deal at all.
Answer by tys_mom
I reckon implants are the best alternative to tooth replacement. The surgeon or periodontist (not sure who you’re seeing…they can both perform the procedure) will numb you up, then cut the gums to expose the bone and drill a titanium post into your bone. It sounds so much worse than it really is! Just remember, bone doesn’t have nerves, so once it’s in house, you really won’t feel it. Then the gums will be stitched back up. You’ll have some healing time after wards, but then will have a crown connected to the implant once the site has healed and they know it is secure and taking properly. ALL of my patients who have had implants say they are really pleased with it, and the ones that were worried or hesitant said that it wasn’t nearly as terrible as they thought it would be. I hope this helps!
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