Q&A: Were is the best value for money to get teeth implants?
I only have a top and bottom bridge left with a couple of molars each side.
Answer by webgenius
Answer by jrjameson
Macedonia. Fantastic Dentists. Lifetime guarantee on the dental work. Excellent price. Will take U.S. (and other countries) insurance cards.
Answer by Skeeter
I have implants and going to another country is not wise in my opinion. What if you have complications? How can going to another country be affordable when you factor in all that is involved cost wise. Plus you must factor in also the skill these doctor’s may have. My doctor’s are expensive but they have a 100% success rate for implants. If you do not speak the language of the country you go too how can you communicate? Plus how do you have follow-ups? There is more to implants than the cost.
Answer by dheeraj_bhojwani
Dental Cosmetic Treatment and Surgery is very cheap in India.There is one company that is very well-known in India that arranges dental surgery for foreigners in India.They are called the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient tales.I have also read that they arrange financing for american patients.They also have photos pasted of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.I am serious.
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ceraroot zirconia dental implant
i got a root canal a few months ago on one of my back teeth
and i just my fake implant tooth or whatever it is called
about a month in a half agoish and it still hurts on and off .. is that normal
like the more i eat the more it hurts but when i brush it – it feels better
do you reckon theres soemthing incorrect ?
Answer by silar001
When you get a root canal on a back tooth or molar, the tooth liable has 3-5 nerves/canals. If they were not all cleaned out or if they weren’t cleaned out all of the way and there is a part of the nerve left, they will have to go back in and redo it. A root canal usually completely eliminates pain due to the fact the nerve is gone. No nerve = no pain. I would go get it checked out.
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