My permanent teeth feel and I need to know what I can do?
I had a medical and work some of my teeth GINGSie told me I had a root canal and I drilled out by health care FALL ONLY PUT my tooth and temporarily limited It would be up MEDICAL my PERMANENT CAP, when I went back to the CAP PERMEANT GET approve scaled DIDN’T and so had a different, and I had to say more time WAIT, by the time I went back for you my permanent GAP my MEDICAL CANCELLED GOT. I told the dentist that my fleeting CAP FELL And if I could get a new one now I HAVE MY MEDICAL And she said no because I had no medical. I went without health and eventually I had my cap SWOLLED. MY MOM SO SHE CARE dosent never went back to ME GET MY MEDICAL. GOING OUT ON W. of the CAP on the drilled teeth she wore OUT And yesterday the whole tooth came out. Now I can even GET a root canal DONE AND I go to a dental implant NEED. I spent the whole YESTERDAY AND NOW CRYING CUZ, OR EVEN when I speak of their significant SMILE. And to build IM only 17 and I LIKE MY SELF THAT IVE Estem all gone MANAGE FEEL. In doing all this without the help of my mother, who dosent seem to nothing THATS GOING ON CARE. My questions are … DOES health insurance for teeth implants? IF NOT WHERE CAN I get it for free FINISHED? AND IF I Cannot HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? AND … If the dentist FOR NOT MAKE ME THE RITE SIZE CAP MY delay the process, which in my teeth CONSEQUENTIAL Falling Out LIABLE? Ignore The CAP My Keyboard suks
answer Kashaan A
stop typing caps
answer from me:)
All I can say is that the responsibility to fall for your dentist.
concept of insurance is depends on VersicherungIDKJa
answer frdrtd
No, this is not the dentist responsible . It is the fault of Medical. They limit what dentists can do for patients. The fact that the crown is not the right size, not the dentists fault. She has used preformed crowns and not made instruments. You never know if it fits to the patient in the chair. Medical blame, not the dentist. Be thankful that you are able, a dentist who was also accepts Medical, as so many were not tun.Soweit implants, no, the medical is not covered. They cost between $ 3,000 and $ 6,000 per tooth. I seriously doubt that any dentist will do that for free. You can be extracted and then a partial denture. These things should be of medical technology.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Read the original:
title=”cost costs for a dental implant
I wonder, can a young person (14) get a dental implant even though my jaw is still growing A LITTLE if any (growth spurt is complete) because I have only one tooth in the front, and I want 2 implants but my mother said, I can becuz I’m still growing and I did not see the orthodontist in a few being if I get something. If I do not I get a fin and becuz you can eat with one, I would wear it all the time and would not want to get out of it, except when I come home?
response from Christina
I had the same conundrum .. I had to wait in anticipation of I stopped growing, I also had braces in anticipation of I was 19 .. I could not implant in anticipation of it was gone!
if you have a one and you are still growing, it can affect the final look of the implant. Most of them are buried under the gum and then a crown is placed on top. If your face is still growing part of the implant can show and your teeth will look gefälscht.Call a periodontist or oral surgeon for the last Wort.Eine other solution is a Maryland Bridge. Very conservative and can give you the aesthetic that you look it up time for an implant. Moreover, it is not removable.
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