I am looking for a dentist who would give me free or let me make payments for dental implants or dental?
bridge implants….I am a single mom on a very low income and I just want to be able to smile and laugh again….especially at my children.
I dont even feel like a human being anymore because of my gone teeth.
Answer by PenPress
You should try going to local dental school and register yourself at an implant study program to receive free implant treatment.
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bone graft dental implant
I live in NYC and I’ve been told that I need about $ 10k in dental work (implants mainly). Does anyone know of a country everywhere I can get this type of work done for much less? Thanks in enhancement for your help.
Answer by Jon Nitardy
Answer by lilredhead
Mexico .. But are you sure you really want to do that ? … Can the Dentist work out a payment plot with you ? .. I had to do that for my 5,000$ dental work ..
Answer by rppj
http://www.nyu.edu/dental/patientinfo/faq.html – New York University College of Dentristry.
http://dental.columbia.edu/ – Columbia University
You will be better off having the work done at a university everywhere students are monitored each step of the way than travelling out of country to have the work done to a house everywhere you have no guarantee of quality. Cheap work generally indicates poor quality or inferior materials. Also if the work is done out of country and you have any problems then you have no recourse or help if anything goes incorrect.
Generally implants are a two stage procedure, stage 1 the titanium root is placed in the bone and you have to wait numerous months for it to oseointegrate (bone to grown around it) stage 2 is the placing of the crown on top of the implant which may also involve a couple of visits (at least) plus the time for the lab to manufacture the crowns (usually about 10 days).
Answer by Jenny M
Costa Rica,email me if you want I can get you an estimate.You can also have a nice vacation between dentist visits
Answer by Leah R
Ok I heard Mexico is a excellent house the person from my church went there and got a bridge and it looks like real and the lab they use is in the USA but I ‘m still trying to get the take up from them it’s about 30miles into Mexico
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