is it possible to get a crown on your front tooth?
I questioned my dad and he said i would proabbyl need an implant because something about not enough “tooth” for a crown and something like that. I am SO worried i dont want an implant!! and my dad says that im going to need one. Im worried as hell. someone tell me the facts delight =[[
Answer by Kiki
I don’t really know the “facts” but my Mom has a crown on one of her two front teeth so yes it is possible
Answer by sawyerkristine
the facts are that you need to visit your regular dentist first to determine if their is enough tooth structure left to restore the tooth. if there is you will need a root canal first, they are not a huge deal and it feels no different than having a filling done, it just takes longer. then you will go back to your regular dentist if he/she does crowns and they will build up the tooth and then prepare it for a crown, they will place a fleeting crown on in anticipation of the lab crown is done. DO NOT GET WHAT IS CALLED A CEREC CROWN IT WILL NOT LAST. do not just take upon yourself that you need an implant, but if that is the case, they are not that huge of a deal either. excellent luck, if you have more question, place them out there and i will answer.
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cost for dental implant
My orthodontist pulled out a whole bunch of teeth when i was getting braces to make room. One of the teeth she pulled out, because I had a tooth in my gum above it so she pulled out my impeccably excellent tooth and then place a bracket there saying the tooth in the gum would come down… Well it never did come down and in the end I had to pay for surgery to get the tooth in the gum removed. This really annoys me because if my dentist had never pulled the tooth out in the first house – I would not have had to go through surgery and pay for the tooth ontop to be removed and I certainly wouldnt be gone 1 tooth or paying $ 7,000 for a replacement.- I now have to pay $ 7,000 of my own money for a tooth implant ontop of the money i paid for surgery – Is this honest? or is this my dentists fault?
Answer by Alex
The answer is simple… no.
Answer by <3
I would start looking for a lawyer that deals in dental malpractice. excellent luck.
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