How can I get an dental implant?
I want to work/go to school, but it makes me uncomortable to smile. My teetch got knocked out alomst a year ago and my parents aren’t doing anything about it. I went to serval dentists and they say it’ll cost $ 10,000 up front…and i don’t have that type of money…and i’m sick of going to dentist and it’s the samething. What do I look up to get this done or even go about it..because its holding me back. I can’t smile and it sucks. P.S. I have insurance
Answer by LORI
You can get some fleeting dentures in anticipation of you can afford the implants I estimate? Those should be less than $ 1000 doubtless more like $ 500 but depends on how many teeth you’re gone. I’m surprised they didn’t mention that? I am not a dentist or anything but I would estimate you can wear dentures without affecting your ability to get implants in the future. If you spend a bit more money or go to a excellent dentist I’m sure you can get some that look excellent and you’d feel comfortable wearing to work and school, etc.
For the implants- possibly look into local dental schools? They usually have a low cost dental clinic, everywhere procedures are about half price and done by supervised advanced students. Those seats mainly do simpler stuff like fililngs and extractions but may be possible to have them do implants too. I don’t reckon dental insurance will pay for implants at all but you can call your insurer up and check, also see if they help pay for dentures? Occasionally medical insurance will pay for implants if there is some vital medical reason to have them like it’s effecting your jaw bone to not have teeth there, but I have never renowned anyone who really got them to pay. Possibly discuss it with the insurer and a dentist and see what they know about that?
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See the original post here:
average cost of dental implant
it sounded hiphop like, girls were packing up outside of the hotel song was playing over the last couple minutes of the episode, I saw it on re-run on spike in Mid September, not sure how ancient the episode is… any help would be awesome.
Answer by abc123
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