How do teeth implants work? What is the procure and cost of it?
Just curious, i play sports and its a just in case question.
Answer by chrchll129
pretty much how you would reckon they work. The tooth is completely removed, then a “plug” is house into the gum and jawbone of everywhere the gone tooth was. this plug is a female screw, and the implant tooth is literally screwed and attached into the plug. this is done, because your jaw weakens as roots are removed,this stops your jaw from deterioration and is also cosmetically pleasing
The cost is expensive, you can expect to pay between 1500.00 – 2500.00 for just the implant and the crown itself. that is not including confiscation of tooth, and the dental work costs prior. implants are not covered by most insurances, though they soon will be as they be converted into more accepted and standard. on average it is around $ 2000.00 per tooth for everything, it depends on everywhere you go, what preparations need to be made, and what type of crown you choose.
Answer by Skeeter
I have dental implants. See my avatar? That smile is my new smile.
Yes implants work amazingly well. Very pretty and very functional. The poster above me called the implant a plug. I have never heard it called that.
Depending on the area in which you live will determine the cost. In some area’s it is less costly than other’s. On the east cost implants can run as much as $ 5000 each but I have heard other’s in the Florida area getting them for about $ 900 to $ 1500. You do not need individual implants for each gone tooth. In my case I have 8 implants on my top and 6 on the bottom. My teeth are a whole bridge unit that screws onto the implants There are also implant supported dentures everywhere one can get as small as 2 to 4 to hold the denture very securely and this type is less expensive than the kind I have.
The kind I have are permanent and are not even removed for cleanings but implant supported dentures are removable.
Delight consider clicking on my name. I can share more information with you if you need it.
Answer by ponyboy 81
Just to expand on Skeeter’s brilliant answer, reckon of implants as artificial roots. They replace roots once teeth are removed and have a threaded channel into which a custom abutment is screwed. If the final resoration is a crown, it can then be cemented to the abutment.
Answer by kattypitt
Just in case you need savings on dental implants,
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bone graft for dental implant
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