Fake teeth or dental implant?`?
Okay, I’m still young and ..basically in high school and over the summer I’ve broken one of my front tooth, and since summer I’ve been hiding and I’ve haven’t been for myself, I try hiding my smile, which doesn’t work too well. I need help I’ve seen my dentist at least once a month on fixing my teeth, and sometimes it’s weird asking him about the snap on teeth I’ve heard about. So basically I don’t know how to approach him with the question about snap on teeth, and I also I’m worried of what people reckon. At school I rarely talk to people, due to this incident I’ve lost a lot of friends, who reckon I’m really weird. So I don’t know what to do or how to approach him about the snap on teeth??
Answer by amandafofanda66
I’ve never heard of “snap on” teeth. I would recommend going to the dentist, showing him the broke tooth and question him what he can do to fix it.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Continued here:
cheap dental implant
Hello, I am at the stage everywhere they place in the screw thing into my gums. I now have stitches and I estimate I have to go in to take them off and then wait for it to heal and then they’re going to place another thing that sticks out of my gums and place in a fleeting crown. I was wondering when I could start smoking, the dentist said the first 2 weeks are critical and that just passed but I’ve been reading things from other sources saying a month or so.
Also, does smoking apply to marijuana smoking?
Also, do they mean smoking as in its terrible to have smoke in my mouth, or is it terrible to have nicotine in my system?
Answer by tigerg33
why dont you quit ciggs altogether? they do nothing for you but kill you. smoking weed is still smoking but at least weed doesnt kill you. if you must smoke rinse your mouth out with mouthwash afterwards. the longest i held out was 4 days when i got my lip pierced.
Answer by thehoochabides
i dont reckon that weed is implied, im pretty sure its the nicotine that they’d like you to avoid. plus a stout frosty purple nugget could only help right?
Answer by Zyggy
Anything you have to inhale should be avoided, they aren’t going to tell you to stop smoking weed because the presumption is you aren’t doing anything illegal. The inhaling can produce your gums to dry out, which is what they are trying to preclude, they don’t want any clots to be converted into dried out and painful. In a pulled tooth smoking (anything) can produce dry socket everywhere the clot dries up and causes immense pain and you have to be seen by the doctor again.
Answer by charles g – or GF
It’s not the smoke per-say. It is the sucking that your dentist is worried about.. If you “puff ” very lightly you should be alright. Otherwise you could get a dry socket which is not excellent at all! No straws either.
Answer by DR. Implants
Smoke in your mouth is terrible! So if you can smoke through your nose – then that’s a solution! just kidding!
the nicotine and smoke in your mouth affects the blood passage in the mouth and slows down the healing process.
But listen to what your dentist told you! he is the Professional.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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