Friday, 15 April 2011

pro/con list - Dental Implant at age 16?

pro/con list - Dental Implant at age 16?

Answer by SunnyK
I had mine place in at 15. I highly recommend getting them done when you’re young. The only thing is that you HAVE to have a lot of x-ray and bone growth plate tests taken, to insure that your bones are finished growing. Since you’re a guy, you doubtless won’t be allowed to, since you still have more growing than I had still.

As far as the process goes, this is what I left on another answer I just filled out – I just got my wisdom teeth taken out and I’m trying to find stuff on what else to do to get rid of the pain :P haha

“I got two place in when I was younger. Basically, you go in for surgery and they’ll open up your gum and insert a rod deep into the bone. They’ll place what’s called a cone-shaped “healing cap” on, that will help in making sure the gum grows back properly. They’ll place biodegradable stitches in to close the area. It’s a very simple procedure and I barely remember much from it. It’s really the most painful part of the whole process though, so if you can get over this part, you’ll be fantastic. There’ll be some swelling of the gum in that area and some oozing and bleeding, but they give you medications so you stay pretty drugged up for quite some time :P I’m not entirely sure how long the wait was between the healing cap and the next cap but eventually you come back and they take off the healing cap and place a less vital cap on – I don’t remember the exact name of the cap, but it’s a lot less vital and flatter, so you can wear it with a retainer. Depending on everywhere the implants are, they may give you a retainer that has fake teeth on it so you look like you have teeth. Mine were the two on each side beside the front two teeth, so I had a retainer that had two teeth on them. After about 6-9 months or so, the gums will heal entirely and the doctor will discuss options and colors for the teeth that will attach to those new posts that were implanted. It’ll take a small while to contest the teeth to the exact color you’re wanting. Mine were particularly hard to do, since most people have brown-white teeth; mine are blue-white, so it took a LONG time to finally contest them up properly. Lots of times everywhere we had to send them back and get a different color. That took doubtless about a year to figure out and finally get right. They’ll apply a local anesthetic – a few shots in the area and a spray that will completely numb the area – and then unscrew the cap that they place on your gums. When it’s time to, they’ll bond the teeth to those posts, by some sort of paste. They’ll give a small shot of something to boost up the gum right above the implants to make it look more natural. And then… you’re all done! :D The area will be really sensitive to floss for a while, but eventually things will get better.

I hope that answered your question :) The only conundrum is that it’s doubtless best to wait as long as possible (if you’re a child/teen) to get them place in. I was 15 when I had mine done, but I had to have LOTS of tests to make sure that my bones were finished growing entirely. It wasn’t that much of a conundrum, but lots of x-rays and stuff. The issue is that the bone itself doesn’t go, but the gums grow. If you get them place in too ahead of schedule, you risk having the posts end up being covered up and having to be redone when the gums grow too much as you get grown-up. Luckily, It’s been about four being or so for mine and they’re absolutely fine. Haven’t had any problems. I do reckon that you are supposed to replace the teeth themselves in like twenty or thirty being, but I don’t have to worry about that for a while, and I’m sure it’ll be a pretty simple process :P

If you have any more questions, feel free to send me a message :P I like helping.”

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cosmetic dental implant

what is the terrible side??
my daughter is 2o year, and she has here k9 pulled out 10 being ago…the space is closed now, but she desires to do braces, and dr, reccomended to implant one so her teeth to lok perfect. we just want to check out the consequences…

Answer by Daniel B
To answere this question I really need more info. but I will try. Dental Implants, in most patients, are the ideal way to replace a gone tooth/teeth. The down side is the cost. They can be very expensive upfront, but long run it is the most economical way to go. A bridge ususally lasts 8-10 being according to the dental insurance research. You compound that cost over the your life span and it can add up quickly depending upon your age. An implant is excellent for life, as long as it integrates into the bone ( the bone heals around the implant) The other rare down side can be the esthetics, the way the crown looks after the implant is placed. If you are working with a Dentist who knows and understands how to have the crown or denture fabricated then this should not be a conundrum. In my practice dental implants are our first choice, for what it’s worth.
Best of luck

Answer by dent friend
your daughter is young and I reckon dental implant is the best chose.she is going to have a perfect look and the rate of failure is small.and there will be no harm for the other adjacent teeth comparing to bridge.

Answer by DR. Implants
check out this link:
It has answers to all of your questions regarding dental implants.
I hope it helps you and your daughter
excellent luck

Answer by Sheeeeeee
if the gap has closed, you dont need any treatment. By braces, the gap can be closed. Now a days dentist are treasure hunters.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

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