Nervous about tooth!?
I’m 17 being ancient and am getting 2 tooth implants a week from now…any advice? How terrible do they hurt? Really…produce I’m frightened to death (sounds pathetic, I know)…only other dental procedures I’ve had done are getting 6 baby teeth pulled and then getting my gums cut open to house 2 brackets on teeth to pull them down…I had braces for 3 being…and that’s about it. No cavities. No nothing.
Any advice from those who have had implants? How terrible does the actual procedure hurt?
Answer by lou g
Dental implants are safe and effective. though it depends on who is doing the procedure. Implants are best done by a qualified periodontist. Do not have a general dentist ever do them,
Answer by Aravind B
that’s hurts but doctor is telltale you not to do because he don’t want to be un healthy man so follow your doctor.he allows tell for you.stop gum
have a nice day
What do you reckon? Answer below!
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bone graft dental implant
I have a gone eye tooth, and I’m 16. I’m going to the dentist in a couple of weeks. Before an orthodontist said the best thing was to just reshape my teeth or something like that, now we went back over the summer, and then he made this huge plot for a tooth implant. HAS ANYONE HAD THIS PROBLEM???? PLEASE GIVE ADVICE! HELP!!!!!
yeah I have a slight gap
Answer by Caitleen R
whats an eye tooth??
Answer by slevin057
Is there a gap in your teeth?
I’m not a DDS but if you are just doing this for cosmetic purposes you may want to reconsider.
Answer by jamgerky
there called eye teeth..yes the place a tooth into your gum line..then they implant it like anything Else
Answer by crazydays_413
Answer by C M
Ive not had that conundrum before, but I have had 2 different dentists tell me 2 different things about my wisdom teeth.
So you might want to get a second oppinion.
Excellent luck
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